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There are no dumb questions
Newly-elected City Commissioner, Michael Dunn, is staking out his territory as "the challenger" and during a recent City Commission...

Whose monument is it?
Who owns the monument? As a city asset, it is we, the city’s owners. And, as the owners, we can do with it what we will. Most of the...

Term limits represent the key failure of the citizenry
A meme making its way around social media, sent to the Pulitzer Prize-winning website PolitiFact, captured the frustration many Americans...

Race, racism, monuments, and obstacles
We are not statues. We are not doomed to stand – staring frozen-faced into the past – with stone-cold eyes that cannot see the future,...

What we have here, is a failure to communicate
We know that’s a dated wisecrack – and maybe a little too snarky for the circumstances – but it remains a perfect crystallization of what...
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